10 Star Wars Planets That Were Destroyed

7. Byss

Star Wars The Force Awakens
Dark Horse

A world seen as a paradise, destroyed by R2-D2 of all things!

Of course, there's much more to the planet than that. On the exterior, Byss was seen by much of the galaxy as a paradise world, apparently famous for its cheese. Inside however, it was chosen as Emperor Palpatine's personal retreat and a base for his experiments with the Dark Side (the ones some consider to be "unnatural").

Drawing immigrants and refugees to Byss as a safe haven from war, Palpatine would slowly drain the life energy from all living things on the planet and it eventually became enveloped in evil, even after the Emperor apparently perished in the Battle of Endor. No-one knew that Byss was the home to a hidden cloning facility where Palpatine had several duplicates of himself to house his consciousness.

The planet saw its destruction when Palpatine's new Galactic Empire and the New Republic fought in orbit. Our favourite astromech droid took control of a Star Destroyer and used it as a battering ram on the Imperial superweapon, the Galaxy Gun. The weapon turned and misfired towards Byss, resulting in the second of the Emperor's four deaths in the Legends timeline.

And you thought The Rise of Skywalker pushed its luck!

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!