10 Star Wars Questions We Still Need Answers To

4. What Happened To Delta Squad?

Star Wars Questions New Version

Delta Squad is an elite quartet of clones who were introduced in the Republic Commando video games and novels, consisting of Clone Sergeant Boss, second-in-command Fixer, Scorch, and Sev.

2005's Republic Commando game left Delta Squad on something of an agonising cliffhanger as Boss, Fixer, and Scorch set off to rescue an embattled Sev, and despite being fan favourite characters since their inception, this thread wasn't ever explicitly picked up again.

Though the Republic Commando brand was jettisoned from the Star Wars canon when Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, Delta Squad were thankfully preserved prior to this through their cameo appearance in the third season of The Clone Wars.

And yet, we're still left to ponder what ultimately became of them.

Answers have been thin on the ground for all but Scorch, who recently appeared in the third season of The Bad Batch... only to be summarily shot dead by Clone Force 99.

The little we've seen of Delta Squad since Republic Commando does seem to suggest that the game's cliffhanger ending (which involved the rescue of Wookiee chieftan Tarfful) is canon, and so, are we to believe that Sev was still M.I.A. at the end of the Clone Wars? As for Boss and Fixer, place your bets.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.