10 Star Wars Questions We Still Need Answers To

3. Did The Death Sticks Guy Truly Reform Himself?

Star Wars Questions New Version

Because not all pressing Star Wars questions need to be Totally Serious Business, let's consider the untold history of one of the prequel trilogy's most memorable minor characters.

In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor) encounters a death sticks dealer (Matt Doran) in a Coruscant nightclub and promptly uses a Jedi mind-trick to make him go home and rethink his life.

And so, what became of this guy? Did he really turn things around?

Though canonically the answer is pretty muddy, in the jettisoned Legends continuity the fate of this character, Elan Sel'Sabagno, was unambiguously revealed.

In Legends stories, we learn that Sel'Sabagno did indeed quit his death stick dealing and clean up his life... for a little while. He eventually fell back into old habits, though, trading weapons and stolen goods alongside his precious death sticks.

By the end of the Clone Wars, however, he'd once again gone straight, and even became an anti-drug activist, seemingly for keeps.

Canonically, we only know that he ended up having a child by the time of the original trilogy, though of course, being a parent in no way guarantees that he's leading a good and honest life. 

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.