10 Star Wars Retcons So Dumb That It Actually Hurt

9. Boba Fett Is Basically A Prototype Stormtrooper

Boba Fett does not get a lot of screentime in the Original Trilogy, but he got enough to make him one of the most popular Star Wars characters. When the Prequel Trilogy was announced, fans hoped for a glimpse €“ or even the origin €“ of the mysterious armor-clad bounty hunter in the new movies. Be careful what you wish for. As it turns out, Boba Fett is just one of the thousands of clones of Jango Fett that made up the army of clone troopers - the precursors to the Original Trilogy€™s stormtroopers. Sure, Boba was a younger clone and thus received different training than an average clone trooper, but ultimately he is just a clone trooper that was taken out of the test tube a little early. Is it an inventive origin? Sure, but not very interesting. On top of that, the actor who portrayed Boba in Attack of the Clones, Daniel Logan, was barely a teenager. This meant that the audience never gets to see Boba Fett do anything noteworthy in Attack of the Clones except watch his €œfather€ Jango die. He doesn€™t even return in the next film to get his revenge on Mace Windu, who killed his father. Comedian Patton Oswalt summed up Boba€™s role in the Prequel Trilogy as, "He's like this little kid and then his dad dies and he's very sad." To retcon this into the Original Trilogy, Boba's few lines of dialogue in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were overdubbed by Temuera Morrison, who portrayed Jango in Attack of the Clones.

Chris McKittrick is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and has spoken about film and comic books at conferences across the United States. In addition to his work at WhatCulture!, he is a regular contributor to CreativeScreenwriting.com, MovieBuzzers.com, and DailyActor.com, a website focused on acting in all media. For more information, visit his website at http://www.chrismckit.com.