10 Star Wars Scenes Actors HATED Shooting

3. Alec Guinness Thinks Shooting For Tatooine Is Hot And Boring - A New Hope

Carrie Fisher Leia

From one legendary Jedi Master to another now, and to the time an acting titan simply could not hide his resentment towards the working conditions he found himself in during George Lucas' first trip into this bold new world.

On top of absolutely detesting some of the terrible dialogue his character of Ben Kenobi was forced to let loose onto audiences throughout the shoot, stating that "none of it makes my character clear or even bearable," Alec Guinness would take aim at the all round working atmosphere conjured up by Lucas and the gang on the set of A New Hope.

As the Oscar-nominated thespian would confess later down the road, filming for Episode IV was "tedious to a degree - hot, boring and indecisive."

Despite all this, though, the project classed as "fairy tale rubbish" by the iconic face would still land him multiple millions in the bank and an aforementioned Academy Awards nod... so at least it wasn't all bad, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...