10 Star Wars Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

9. K-2SO's Line Post-Slap Wasn't Planned - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Jabba SW

It simply wouldn't be the galaxy far, far away without a few beats of unexpected hilarity along the way.

However, what perhaps makes the sight of Diego Luna's Cassian Andor getting slapped silly by the consistent source of comedic gold that was Alan Tudyk's K-2SO stand out from some of the other side-splitting sequences on show in the series is the fact that a key part of the moment wasn't actually part of the original plan at all.

As revealed by the droid actor himself to Star Wars' very own Twitter account, Tudyk's favourite line of “And there’s a fresh one if you mouth off again," that followed Luna's idea to be slapped was a purely improvised beat. And it actually caught his co-star so off-guard that Luna had to pull a Ewan McGregor and cover his mouth in order to disguise the fact that he'd cracked an unintentional smile in the aftermath.

It's a subtle moment that many didn't initially catch upon taking in Gareth Edwards' gripping Star Wars Story. But once you spot the future Andor leading man genuinely reacting to this unforeseen robot retort, an already enjoyable exchange is undoubtedly made that touch more hilarious.

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