10 Star Wars Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

8. Blue Milk Tasted Absolutely Rank - Episode IV: A New Hope

Jabba SW

As the legendary Luke Skywalker, Mark Hamill has most definitely found himself at the centre of some of the most convincing and emotionally charged exchanges the Skywalker Saga has had to offer over the years.

However, perhaps the most impressive piece of acting the star ever committed to the the sprawling series involved Hamill making the masses believe that blue milk was actually an undeniably tasty treat!

Hopping all the way back to A New Hope, Luke can be seen taking a gulp of the oddly coloured liquid in the Lars family homestead. But, despite not batting an eye-lid during the sequence itself, Hamill would later go on record to admit on Twitter that "the warm, oily, sickly-sweet milk dyed blue from the movie was gag-inducing".

Thankfully, by the time he got around to returning to the Skywalker saddle in The Last Jedi, technology allowed Hamill to enjoy a nice glass of coconut milk during the infamous sequence of him creepily swigging a green variety of the fluid, with this milk being given its unmistakable colour in post-production instead.

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