10 Star Wars Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

7. Mark Hamill Got Bitten By A Snake During His Trip To Dagobah - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Jabba SW

And sticking with mighty Mark Hamill, long before George Lucas relied on CGI to fill out Star Wars' many jaw-dropping locales with creepy critters and other-worldly backdrops, The Empire Strikes Back saw Luke Skywalker land on a swampy Dagobah set that had been very much forged without a green screen in sight.

Adding to the authenticity on show, genuine snakes calling the fictional planet home were also thrown into the mysterious mix while shooting. And it was during a scene that saw Hamill's Jedi-in-training disposing of one of these raging reptiles on his way off-world that the realities of working with animals quite literally bit the actor on the hand.

As a behind-the-scenes clip of a take depicting Luke pulling a snake off his trusty X-Wing would expose, Hamill legitimately had a chunk bitten out of his mitt in the making of this movie moment, with the actor later noting again on Twitter, "Snake(blind from moulting)flinched each time I touched him-After several takes he got fed-up & "f***ing bit me"!"

The snake clearly wasn't too happy about this particular disturbance in the Force, but that still didn't stop Hamill from sucking it up and getting the sequence in the can in the end.

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