10 Star Wars Scenes Everyone Gets Wrong

5. Bombs Can Fall In Space (With Some Help)

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke

Because the polarising response to The Last Jedi caused dissatisfied fans to approach every single scene with the least charitable mindset imaginable, of course we have to discuss the very concept of gravity.

In the film's opening sequence, we see Paige Tico (Veronica NgĂ´) drop bombs from a ship in zero gravity, but as anyone with even a cursory understanding of physics can appreciate, this should be impossible. This prompted many fans to disparage the scene for disobeying basic science, except that's not really the case at all.

In a post-release interview, the film's visual effects supervisor Ben Morris clarified that he and filmmaker Rian Johnson decided that the bombs were magnetic and launched out of the ship, ensuring they would travel downwards and hit their target.

Hate on The Last Jedi all you want, but in a movie about space wizards wielding laser swords, are magnetically propelled bombs really a stretch, like, at all?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.