10 Star Wars Subplots That Went Literally Nowhere

6. Sideous And Plagueius (Revenge Of The Sith)

Star Wars Broom Kid

One of the very finest pieces of work in all of Star Wars history comes in Revenge of the Sith, where Chancellor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker meet at the Coruscant Opera Hall. Arguably the very moment where Anakin becomes seduced by the Chancellor and throws away his responsibilities as a Jedi, Palpatine explains to his future apprentice about the powers of the Dark Side through the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise and his ability to save others from death.

Palpatine and his alter-ego of Darth Sidious are easily the most interesting and complex character in all of Star Wars history, though very little is actually ever revealed about his origins, backstory and fall to the Dark Side. Without a doubt, the mystery around the character is a big reason for this, especially when put alongside the transparent characters of Obi-Wan, Luke, Leia, Anakin etc.,

However this one scene opens a whole world of possible arcs and story lines that would be brilliant to watch. As well as teasing audiences with a character hinted with possessing more power than anyone else, this subplot opens up a completely new dimension on the true extent on the Force and what the mastery of it could possibly bring someone.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.