2. Judi Dench As Mon Mothma
Pretty much every big movie has one of those really amazingly stupid casting rumours which you just know is complete BS, and while many of us have been forced to eat our hat after Daniel Craig really did suit up as a Stormtrooper, one James Bond star who didn't end up in Star Wars: The Force Awakens despite being rumoured to is Judi Dench. Like Cher at one time being rumoured for the role of Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises, this one was never really all that believable, but that didn't stop it spreading like wildfire. You may remember that Caroline Blakiston played the only other woman in the Galaxy (Mon Mothma) in Return Of The Jedi, and the usually fairly reliable Big Shiny Robot at one point claimed that Dench had been asked to take over the role for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, something that never really made sense due to the difference in Dench and Blakiston's ages and the fact they look nothing alike. While there's a very good chance we'll see a younger version of Mon in Star Wars: Rogue One, she was nowhere to be seen in The Force Awakens.