10 Star Wars Villains Who Weren't As EVIL As You Think

8. Baylan Skoll

Star Wars General Grievous

Cutting through a number of New Republic officers and clearly stating he and his apprentice were anything but Jedi during his first on-screen moments in the Star Wars universe, Baylan Skoll (played by the late, great Ray Stevenson) swiftly became yet another hugely fascinating villain within the galaxy far, far away during the first season of Ahsoka.

Far from just being yet another cold, gun (or should that be lightsaber?) for hire used by other baddies to get what they desired, though, there was far more to this one-time Jedi Order member than met the eye.

After somehow surviving the purge that wiped most of the Jedi from the galaxy, Skoll became a mercenary and would eventually join forces with Morgan Elsbeth as the Nightsister looked to locate the lost Grand Admiral Thrawn.

But it soon became clear that Skoll only wanted to discover the Chiss' location on Peridea as he felt it would lead to a great power that called to him. That power wasn't one that he desired so that he could rule the galaxy, though. It was one he felt could break the cycle of Orders falling and Empires rising.

Baylan may have assisted the baddies throughout that Disney+ show and murdered a few people along the way, but Skoll is still a man who tries his best not to repeat the mistakes of the past or kill his fellow Jedi, and is determined to create a better tomorrow - even if his methods are a little questionable at times.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...