10 Star Wars Villains Who Weren't As EVIL As You Think

7. Barriss Offee

Star Wars General Grievous
Disney Platform Distribution

Speaking of Jedi who ultimately became disenchanted with the Order, former Jedi Knight Barriss Offee was once a dedicated member of the side seemingly fighting the good fight. 

However, she'd eventually go down in history as the person responsible for bombing the Jedi Temple during Star Wars: The Clone Wars, with it being revealed that the frustrated Force-user had framed her pal Ahsoka Tano to make it look like she was behind the shocking attack.

At a glance, anyone who opts to target the place where the current and next generation of Jedi were taught may seem like a piece of work. But once Offee stepped forward and explained her violent actions, it soon became apparent that the Jedi weren't dealing with a purely evil figure here.

This "traitor" had simply become disillusioned with the Order, feeling the people she'd been trained by were the ones responsible for the Clone War. Offee explained how the Order had become the villains in the conflict, and that all of the members within the organisation should be put on trial for their part in the battles going on around the galaxy.

And while you can't exactly condone the murdering of her fellow Jedi to get her message across, Offee definitely had a point - the Jedi had lost their way and had now become an army rather than keepers of the peace.

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