10 Star Wars Villains Who Weren't As EVIL As You Think

4. Slick

Star Wars General Grievous

Introduced as one of the many clone troopers seen fighting alongside the Jedi during the Clone Wars animated series, Clone Sergeant Slick would eventually be revealed as a traitor to both the Order and the Republic.

But it wasn't that Slick simply wanted to earn some money and was willing to stab the Jedi and his clone brothers in the back by leaking information to Asajj Ventress - Count Dooku's right-hand woman. This clone was just tired of following orders, and he wanted to save the rest of his fellow soldiers from the war that was taking so many of their lives.

Admittedly, his attempts to bring down the Jedi who he felt were enslaving himself and his brothers actually ended up putting them all at risk. But, much like Barriss Offee, he did have a point.

The clones were being treated no better than the Separatists' battle droids throughout the war, and this clone spy Slick just wanted himself and the brothers he loved to be free from the war they were being forced to fight for the Jedi and the Republic.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...