10 Star Wars Villains Who Weren't As EVIL As You Think

3. Grievous

Star Wars General Grievous

Anyone who has enjoyed the prequel-ending ride that is Episode III: Revenge of the Sith will know that the terrifying General Grievous isn't the biggest fan of the Jedi Order.

But why was he so obsessed with hunting down Jedi and stealing their lightsabers?

Well, it turns out that the Order did him dirty before his prequels debut.

His people on the planet Kalee found themselves being invaded by the Yam'rii race from the world of Huk, and Grievous eventually led his people against those invaders, pushing them off his homeworld and back to their own.

Now sure, Grievous probably didn't need to then unleash all hell on the planet Huk in the aftermath. But the people of Kalee had every right to be a little upset after being targeted by the Yam'rii first.

In the end, though, those same Yam'rii ultimately asked for backup from the Republic, leading to the Jedi intervening as the Kaleesh were fined and punished for their actions. The fact hundreds of thousands of his people died due to the starvation caused by the Jedi helping out their enemies understandably left Grievous holding quite the grudge against the keepers of the peace.

Like a lot of the folks on this list, he still did an awful lot of absolutely unforgivable things over the years. But he was far from a mindless killer - he was a devastated Kaleesh looking to avenge his people.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...