10 Star Wars Villains Who Weren't As EVIL As You Think

2. Morgan Elsbeth

Star Wars General Grievous

While on the subject of General Grievous doing some pretty horrific things over the years, that Kaleesh warrior all but wiped out the Nightsisters of Dathomir during the Clone Wars.

However, one of the human survivors of that massacre would ultimately do everything in her power to avenge her fallen sisters. Though that awful event did eventually lead to The Mandalorian and Ahsoka's Morgan Elsbeth joining forces with the oppressive Empire throughout their reign.

Searching for, finding, and eventually helping Grand Admiral Thrawn return to the galaxy far, far away fans know and love was certainly not the most heroic move, admittedly. But Elsbeth wasn't just driven by the pursuit of power in the end.

The Great Mothers on Peridea had been secretly communicating with and guiding Elsbeth in another galaxy, with Morgan eventually helping make the Eye of Sion that would transport her crew to Thrawn and those Nightsisters far, far away.

And though the eventual official Nightsister would ultimately die before getting to see those Mothers return to her homeworld, her vital sacrifice during the Ahsoka season one finale helped Thrawn and those other Nightsisters return to Dathomir. 

By that point, she was willing to pay the ultimate price to ensure the potential future of her people and proved she was far more than just a selfish villain looking out for herself and the Empire.

Put simply, this survivor was just doing it all... for Dathomir.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...