10 Stars Who ONLY Trusted Themselves To Perform Big Movie Scenes

8. 71-Year-Old Bob Barker Ditched His Stunt Double, Fought Adam Sandler - Happy Gilmore

Happy Gilmore Bob Barker
Universal Pictures

One of Happy Gilmore's most memorable scenes sees Happy (Adam Sandler) get his ass kicked at a celebrity golf game by former The Price Is Right host Bob Barker.

Originally, director Dennis Dugan planned to give the 71-year-old Barker a stunt double for the hilarious fight scene, but Barker wouldn't accept it.

Having trained with Chuck Norris and obtained a black belt in karate, Barker claims he told Dugan, "Wait a minute, I know how to fight", and insisting on doing it all without a double.

Barker's face being visible throughout the prolonged fight scene makes it so much funnier: seeing every brutal punch land and Barker even take a tumble down a hill with Sandler wouldn't be anywhere near as hilarious if we couldn't see it was actually him.

Barker putting himself out there so enthusiastically also had another added benefit: it boosted the ratings of The Price Is Right among younger audiences. Everyone wins.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.