10 Stars Who ONLY Trusted Themselves To Perform Big Movie Scenes

6. Steve McQueen Was The Only Stunt Driver Cool Enough To Double For Steve McQueen - Bullitt

Bullitt Burnout
Warner Bros.

Steve McQueen's exceptional motorcycle stunt driving on The Great Escape quickly earned him a reputation as one of Hollywood's ballsiest actors, though him doing his own stunt driving was initially more a necessity than an insistence on his part, because the production couldn't find a driver who could actually keep up with him.

McQueen maintained this penchant for doing his own driving in many subsequent movies, most famously 1968's classic action thriller Bullitt. McQueen not only wanted to have full control of the stunts himself, but wanted the audience to know it.

The actor would hang his head as far out the car window as possible, while driving speeds of up to 120 mph no less, to constantly prove to audiences that he was actually driving for real.

Ultimately, McQueen's decision to do it himself was a combination of skill and ego: he was legitimately one of the best stunt drivers in the business, and he also wanted people to know just how freaking badass he was. It sure as hell worked.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.