10 Stephen King Fan Theories That Make Appalling Sense

7. Carrie White Is Matilda Wormwood All Grown Up

The Shining Apollo 11 Hoax
United Artists

Picture this: after Miss Honey has adopted Matilda Wormwood they decide it’s time to start afresh somewhere new. So that neither Matilda’s negligent parents nor Miss Honey’s tyrannical aunt Miss Trunchbull can’t track them down they emigrate to America – Chamberlain, Maine to be precise – and change their names to Margaret and Carietta White.

Though at the end of Dahl’s novel the pair seem destined for a happy life together, it’s possible the traumas of their abusive pasts caught up with them with Miss Honey (Margaret) turning to Jesus and Matilda (Carrie) supressing her telekinetic powers.

That is, until puberty hits and her powers explode in a fit of rage that burns down her own school prom, causes the fiery deaths of most of her peers and wreaks havoc across her adopted hometown.

The only thing riding against this totally plausible theory is the fact that Dahl published Matilda in 1988, over a decade after King wrote Carrie in 1974. But … what if Dahl, whose more adult-oriented works were often quite twisted, was in on the whole thing and wrote Matilda as a prequel to Carrie? It’s possible, right?

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