10 Stephen King Stories That Wouldn't Work As Movies
5. The Last Rung On The Ladder

Originally published in 1978's Night Shift, this is another of King's short stories that was adapted into a short film. The live action short was well done, but this story wouldn't translate to feature length based on how unwaveringly hopeless it feels throughout.
Larry learns that his sister Kitty has committed suicide. The news makes him think of a time from when they were children. The two were taking turns climbing to the top of a ladder in their barn and jumping off into a haystack. On his last turn, Larry realizes that the ladder is about to give out. By the time he lands in the hay, Kitty is already climbing up again.
The ladder then breaks, leaving her clinging to the last rung. Larry piles hay below her. When Kitty cannot hang on any longer, he tells her to let go, and she does. The hay breaks Kitty's fall and saves her life, leaving her with only a broken ankle.
Fast forward to adulthood. Kitty has two failed marriages under her belt, becomes a call girl and decides to end her life. After the fact, Larry receives a letter from Kitty which reads, "It would have been better for me if that last run had broken before you could put the hay down".