10 Strange Ways Actors Prepared For Recent Movie Roles

7. Martin Freeman And Eddie Marsan Recorded Lines For Sam Rockwell - See How They Run

marilyn monroe grave
Searchlight Pictures

Sticking with the unexpected ways an actor will go about getting their heads around a particularly tricky way of talking for a role, despite already once successfully pulling off a British accent on the stage many moons ago, Sam Rockwell still found the idea of letting loose a distinctly English sound in a feature somewhat "intimidating" heading into this year's See How They Run.

So, in order to give himself the strongest possible chance of smashing his part of Inspector Stoppard in the whodunnit based around The Mousetrap stage show, the Academy Award winner opted to call in a few favours from some rather famous friends.

As he'd recall to Collider, Rockwell would explain how he asked both Bilbo Baggins himself, Martin Freeman, and big and small-screen chameleon Eddie Marsan to record certain vowel sounds and lines for him as a reference point for his incoming inspector.

As far as resources go, having two of the finest British actors of their generation on hand to offer some accent advice isn't the worst option in the world, with Rockwell also noting how he'd be happy to return the vocal favour to his acting pals later down the road.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...