10 Strangest Mistakes In Movies

3. The FBI Agent Is Bleeding BEFORE He Dies - Passenger 57

Passenger 57
Warner Bros.

Wesley Snipes' 1992 action vehicle Passenger 57 may be a trainload of schlock, but it's a reliably well-crafted thriller that nevertheless makes one ridiculous mistake in the early going.

All hell breaks loose when terrorist Charles Rane (Bruce Payne) is freed after his henchwomen, posing as flight attendants, murder the FBI agents on the flight.

Rane's second-in-command, Sabrina (Elizabeth Hurley), pulls out a gun and shoots two FBI agents in the head, though if you look closely, you'll see that one of the agents is already covered in bloody wound makeup a few seconds before she actually shoots him.

Presumably this was a measure to save time, to not have to break from shooting coverage of the sequence to get the actor in makeup.

The filmmakers probably assumed nobody would actually notice a bloodied actor in the background of a fleeting shot, but the Internet being the Internet, of course they caught it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.