10 Strongest Horror Movie Villains

1. Death (Final Destination)

Friday the 13th Jason Voorhees
New Line Cinema

But even the walking murder machine that is Jason Voorhees can't quite stand up to the antagonist of the Final Destination franchise - that is, Death itself.

The series' delicious premise sees the invisible force of Death picking off those who cheat death the first time around, typically by way of a number of hilariously convoluted, Rube Goldberg-style death sequences.

And while Death doesn't take a physical form on screen throughout the series, its presence is nevertheless felt at almost all times, subtly manipulating the world around the protagonists to ensure they meet their planned end.

Given that the overwhelming majority of the series' characters are eventually killed, perhaps even after cheating death numerous times, the clear message is that Death is the world's reigning, undisputed serial killer champion.

Even if you live long enough to evade the traps it has in store, illness or old age will get you eventually - though that's probably nowhere near as much fun for Death.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.