10 Strongest MCU Heroes To Never Join The Avengers

8. Yondu

Doctor Strange Ancient One 1280x720
Marvel Studios

Much like Loki, Yondu's MCU journey didn't exactly have a heroic start. He stole Peter Quill from his family on Earth, and though he had the wherewithal to keep him from Ego, he still kept him as a Ravager, threatening to eat him, and using him to help steal stuff.

He was even ready to kill Quill over The Orb, and though he fought side by side with the Guardians on Xandar, it wasn't until the battle with Ego that he truly became a member of the team. Had he not ultimately sacrificed himself to save Star-Lord, there's no telling where he could have ended up, but as a part of the Avengers with Rocket and Nebula is a definite possibility.

Yondu's strength doesn't come from his own physical prowess, but from the Yaka Arrow that he keeps with him as his weapon of choice. Thor has Mjonir, Captain America has his shield, and Yondu has his arrow. It is synonymous with the character, and makes him an incredibly dangerous threat to anyone he takes on.

With his fin attached, and nothing more than a high pitched whistle, Yondu has been able to take out entire squadrons of enemies in mere seconds, exerting next to no effort in the process. They don't come much more deadly than this.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.