10 Stunning Facts About 2019’s Biggest Movies

5. Carol's Hair, Steve's Cowl, And The Quantum Suits Were All Entirely CGI

Toy Story 4 Boo
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Endgame was an incredible finale to the Infinity Saga, and a stunning movie in its own right. The balance of characters, the finality of the story, and emotional gut punches served to make it truly a special cinematic event, as did the simply stunning CGI effects.

Aesthetically speaking, Endgame was a spectacle like no other. Almost flawless special effects were needed to bring to life places like Vormir, turn Mark Ruffalo into Smart Hulk, and bring to life Thanos and his huge army but it was the smaller details that make this movie's effects so impressive.

Captain Marvel's hair as she is floating outside the Benatar is completely CGI, to lend it the appearance of weightlessness in space. Every one of the Avengers' time travel suits were also completely digital, and after test audiences were confused during the Cap vs Cap fight scene, the signature cowl was edited on to the 2012 version of Steve Rogers in post production.

These tiny touches, though some may be seen as unnecessary, go to show just how impressive the Endgame SFX team really was.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.