10 Stupid Arguments About Chris Nolan That Don't Make Sense

10. Inception Doesn't Make Sense

Right off the bad with the stupid arguments is the people who either put too much or not enough thought into Nolan's films. There was a time when people claimed that The Matrix was difficult to get their head around €“ which isn't true, it's pretty basic, but pretending like Inception is completely impenetrable in a post-Matrix world seems all the more disingenuous. What exactly is so difficult to understand about people invading your dreams? Okay, ridiculous sentence, but from just spending more than five seconds mulling over the concept, you should probably have gotten it. It's a cool premise for an action film is all, and really thinking about the specifics isn't important. Which is why you should cool it with all those theories and videos about the timing not lining up during the climactic heist. Right, so the levels don't all quite work as they're supposed to. Who cares? Did it spoil your enjoyment of the film? Well then. Your argument does not make sense.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/