10 Stupid Decisions Made By Saw Characters

4. Magnum Eyehole - Saw II

Saw V Strahm

This sequel was inevitable. Sensing a sure thing, the budget was upped, the traps were more perilous and the victims multiplied.

Saw II is almost flawlessly written and features a double whammy twist ending that will leave you speechless with shock.

Yes, I said "almost flawlessly written." Despite an incredibly strong script, Saw II features the first instances of characters making very questionable decisions.

We follow a group of strangers finding themselves trapped in a house. Jigsaw informs them the rooms are filling with a deadly nerve gas and antidotes are placed throughout the building. They will survive if they can successfully obtain one.

Remember Jigsaw's helpful hints? Saw II sees this begin with the very first game. Trapped members of the group peer through a peephole only to see a gun staring back. Attached to the key is a note; "Do not attempt to use this key on the door to this room!"

Sounds pretty simple, right? As an audience we're quite sure what will happen if this rule is disobeyed. Most of the group are too, but Gus and Xavier decide they don't play by rules. Whilst Gus keeps an eye on the peephole, Xavier turns the key...

And loses half of his head to a bullet... We all saw it coming a mile away. This beginning trait of hasty characters would remain a contentious issue throughout the series.

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Hi! The first thing you should know about me is that I'm a HUGE horror movie nut. A confirmed addict to the WhatCulture Horror YouTube channel I thought I'd try my luck on their writing team. I'm a wannabe author with one completed manuscript submitted to a few agents. Please cross your fingers for me! I am currently working on my second book. If you wanna talk horror or need any movie recommendations, I'm your man! Give me a follow on Instagram... since there doesn't seem to be a section for that in the "socials" tab @that_horror_nerd