10 STUPIDLY Obvious Movies Hollywood Is Ignoring

1. Another Mad Max Movie

Mad Max Fury Road Tom Hardy
Warner Bros.

These days, absolutely anything can get a sequel, irrespective of whether it merits one or not. Paul Blart, Hotel Transylvania, Sex & The City, not a single one deserved even a moment's thought after you left the cinema and they all were immediately punted into development to consume an additional two hours of your life.

Meanwhile, Max Max: Fury Road immortalises itself in movie history, reinvents an entire method of filmmaking, annihilates all the competition at the box office, and leaves us with major questions at the end yet 5 years later we're still no closer to getting another one.

Now, yes, a lot of this is down to fees and rights and ownership and all other manner of petty behind-the-scenes wrangling but, the fact remains, right now that movie is not being filmed. Plans to pick up the story with Furiosa, or concoct an entirely new story for Max himself have all been mooted, but until the money men get out of the way this is the film Hollywood is most obviously ignoring.

Stupidly, I might add.


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