10 Subtle MCU Gags Everybody Missed At First

6. Fandral IS Robin Hood (Thor)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Nick Fury

The first Thor movie is one of the MCU's most underrated offerings, with the great Kenneth Branagh's deft directorial hand successfully grounding this outlandish Norse mythology in a recognisable reality.

One of the film's winning factors is its fish-out-of-water humour, with Thor and the Warriors Three not exactly jiving with Earth culture (one of the MCU's greatest jokes is Thor's "this drink, I like it... another!" before smashing his mug on the floor).

Mannerisms aside, their costumes don't help them fit in either, with a SHIELD agent even referring to the Warriors Three as "Xena, Jackie Chan, and Robin Hood", as the trio enters the small New Mexico town in search of Thor.

Though a decent gag on the surface, there's actually another layer of humour tucked beneath it, like some sort of comedy onion. In the 1995 comic Thunderstrike #18, Fandral tells a story in which he spent some time in 13th century Nottingham, married a woman called Marian, stole from the rich, and even had a band of merry followers who helped with his heroic deeds.

Thunderstrike #18 Fandral Marian Robin Hood
Marvel Comics

Basically... Fandral was Robin Hood.

Casual moviegoers wouldn't have known about this of course, but for long-time fans of the comics, the SHIELD agent's line worked on a funny level only they understood.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.