10 Subtle MCU Gags Everybody Missed At First

5. Contents Under Pressure (The Avengers)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Nick Fury

Though Bruce Banner's Hulk transformations have come to be portrayed as a good thing, his initial transformation in 2012's The Avengers was the exact opposite.

Dim lighting, roars of pain, Black Widow's fearful expression - it had the look and feel of a horror movie, truly selling the terror felt by not just Bruce, but by everyone else around him.

Still, it wouldn't be an MCU movie without a dash of humour in the darkest of moments, and this scene is no exception. As Hulk is mid-transformation, he loses control and starts crashing about the place, and in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it sight gag, he crosses over a sign reading "CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE".

A clever nod towards the fact that Bruce's inner green monster means that he's always, well, "UNDER PRESSURE", this sign is only onscreen for a handful of frames before Hulk blocks it with his rather chunky bod - so many viewers won't even know it's there.


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.