10 Subtle Ways Horror Movies Made You Feel Uneasy

3. The Innocence Of Youth - Whisper

Raw 2016
Universal Pictures

2007 supernatural horror flick Whisper delivers creepiness in droves. From director Stuart Hendler and starring Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies and Blake Woodruff, this gem of a film follows a group of criminals who decide to kidnap a child in order to extort money from his wealthy parent.

There's plenty of tension in this 90-minute production, but what seems especially unsettling is the child's character himself, who seems unnervingly intelligent, sweet and vulnerable. Most kids in scary movies are a bit unsettling to watch, but the child in Whisper seems to have that extra something – he almost has the audience believing that he is the victim in the unfolding horrors. It is only when we reach the end that we see how his clever little mind has orchestrated the nightmare turned reality.

Using children in horror is an effective method, because there's just something so wrong about seeing an innocent face causing so much horror and havoc, but the performance by young Blake Woodruff in Whisper is one to make even the most hardened horror fan shudder.

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I'm a freelance writer and published author. I'm very passionate about music, film and theatre. I've written features and produced promo for Music-News, Warner Music, Made In Shoreditch Magazine, Medium, Haunted Magazine and many others.