10 Subtle Ways Movies Foreshadowed Major Spoilers

7. Oliver & Peter Are Framed As "Blue Outsiders" - The World's End

Children of Men Clive Owen

Few filmmakers have proven themselves as adept at sneaky foreshadowing as Edgar Wright, who has included brilliant visual and verbal hints at future plot developments in almost every single one of his movies to date.

Perhaps the least-discussed and most underappreciated of Wright's major works is The World's End, which follows a group of reunited friends going out on a pub crawl all while an android alien invasion takes place around them.

It's eventually revealed that two of the friends, Oliver (Martin Freeman) and Peter (Eddie Marsan), have been assimilated and replaced by the aliens, a fact that's actually signposted numerous times throughout the film.

Typically any time the group of five friends is shown standing in a line, Oliver and Peter will stand on the edges, making them literally "outsiders."

In addition to that, they're also the only ones wearing blue, which is telling given that the androids are filled with a blue, blood-like substance.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.