10 Summer Blockbuster Movies That Should Never Have Happened

8. Spider-Man 3

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Following a credit sequence whose recaps only serve to remind us how much fun the previous films in this franchise were, this sequel’s problems quickly become apparent when we realize that instead of a plot the filmmakers have opted for a checklist of events.

In the perfect example of the "and then" school of storytelling, Harry Osborn (James Franco) makes an appearance as the New Goblin and then a meteor deposits an alien fungus on Earth and then Flint Marko gets transformed into supervillain The Sandman and then Mary Jane loses her role in a play and then Harry wakes with no memory….

Worse, the movie takes an incredibly cavalier approach to several plot points. How does Marko end up transforming into Sandman? Simple, he wanders past a sign that reads “Particle Physics Test Facility Keep Out”. How does Peter Parker end up being transformed by an alien virus? Simple, it falls out of the sky right next to him.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'