10 Summer Blockbuster Movies That Should Never Have Happened

4. Catwoman

I robot
Warner Bros.

A movie without a single good idea in its 104 minutes, Catwoman gets off to a bad start by “reimagining” the lead character as Patience Phillips, a clumsy graphic designer who makes ads for Beau-Line, a beauty cream that (in theory) reverses the aging process. In practice, it causes headaches, nausea and disfigurement, making you wonder how they tested it.

We’ve barely reached the fifteen minute mark and one of the film’s biggest problems are already apparent: a heroine nothing like her comic book counterpart will spend the rest of the movie trying to save America from a skin care product.

What happens next is worth the price of admission all by itself: after being swept out to sea, Halle Berry’s lifeless body washes up on land and is immediately set upon by some hilariously unconvincing CGI cats whose leader – get this – stands over Halle and reanimates her with its breath. Not since Freddy Krueger was resurrected by a dog’s urine have filmmakers dared to be so lazy – or taken their audiences to be so stupid.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'