10 Superhero Films That Abused Us Worse Than Fantastic Four

1. Catwoman

All of which brings us to Catwoman. Not a spin-off from the Batman films nor a proper Catwoman movie in its own right, this bizarre entry into the annals of comic book adaptation history is very much its own beast. Halle Berry plays Patience Philips, a woman who is not Selina Kyle and has no connection whatsoever with Batman (or, indeed, anyone who has ever existed in a comic book thus far). Stumbling across a corporate conspiracy in the cosmetics industry, the shy, awkward Patience is transformed into Catwoman, possessing all of the speed, agility and senses of a cat. Like Selina in Batman Returns, except Catwoman is not Batman Returns. Sharon Stone plays Hedare, the Christopher Walken of the piece. Sadly, Stone is no Walken and Berry is no... Halle Berry, actually; this is a far cry from Halle Berry, Oscar winner. Catwoman is a ridiculous, pointless affair with no connection to the comic books and no interest in portraying any Catwoman readers might know or recognise. The costume is hideous too, a far cry from the iconic catsuit of Batman Returns. Miaow. Did any other comic book movies offend the fans more much as Fant4stic? Let us know any we missed down in the comments.

A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.