10 Superhero Movies That Defined Other Superhero Movies

6. Thor: The Dark World

Captain America Wonder Woman
Marvel Studios

Marvel's Cinematic Universe may be considered the cream of the Hollywood crop, but 2013's Thor: The Dark World didn't go down quite as well with fans.

It wasn't necessarily that the film was bad (because it really wasn't), it was just a little too, well, grim. Though it was a visual masterpiece, providing us with awe-inspiring sights like Asgard and Svartalfheim, it lacked the triumphant and whimsical approach that the first Thor thrived on. As a result, it took itself a little too seriously and made for a less-enjoyable experience.

However, the silver lining in all of it is that the-powers-that-be at Marvel Studios took the feedback on board and ensured that the sequel didn't suffer from the same issues. All you have to do is watch the trailer for Thor: Ragnarok and you'll see that the writers were clearly influenced by the criticisms that stemmed from the second film's tone, because it couldn't be more different if it tried.

The humour that The Dark World lacked was the very foundation upon which Ragnarok was built as it was full of hilarious one-liners and genuinely laugh-out-loud moments. The colour palette is much more exciting too, as the cloudy grim backdrops were replaced with colourful landscapes and a lot more sunlight. This magnified everything audiences loved about the original Thor and ensured that the film became one of, if not the, funniest offerings in the entire MCU.

Thor's world was dark no more.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.