10 Superheroes Who Should Get A Movie Before Wonder Woman

10. (Pre-New 52) Blue Beetle and Booster Gold (DC)

Wonderwoman 10Who is this? More like Wayne and Garth, than Batman and Robin, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle are a pair of fun loving, adventurous goofballs, who patrol the DCU as hungry for fame, as they are for justice. Booster Gold was an All-American at Gotham University in 25th century until he was zapped back in time to modern day. Blue Beetle's alter ego Ted Kord was a genius inventor and industrialist, who decided he'd rather focus on becoming a superhero than the family business, sort of like Batman but without the dark background, brooding, or crime-fighting skill. Why are they a better choice than WW? Blue Beetle and Booster Gold are the perfect recipe for a great superhero comedy. The Marvel films have always had quite a bit of comedy, but DC Movies have a very serious tone, and many even complained Man of Steel was far too dark a film. The cocky football player from the future and his friend who dresses like a big blue bug would be about as far from that stereotype of dire DC movies as they could go. It would be great counter programming against Marvel films, which owe a large deal of the success of Iron Man to Robert Downey Jr's dry wit as much as bombastic action sequences, though BG/BB would be much closer in tone to the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy. Scott RodayWho should be cast? If there was ever a super hero role for Seann William Scott, its Booster Gold. He would absolutely nail the arrogant, macho, pretty boy of frat boy of the 25th century; Booster Gold is essentially Stiffler in a yellow jumpsuit. Plus Scott has the physicality needed to pull off the action the role would require. As for Blue Beetle, the temptation would be there for WB to perhaps repair Stiffler with American Pie's Jim and cast Jason Biggs, but they should fight that urge. Although that could work, a much stronger choice would be star of the USA television series Psych, James Roday.
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Pete Thornton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.