8. For Tomorrow
Written by Brian Azzerallo, For Tomorrow is a bit of a hit-or-miss for some Superman fans because Azzerallo embraces a grittier take on the character. Nothing as dark as Batman, but mostly dark and gritty because of the story. A million people have simply vanished around the world, including Lois Lane, which makes Superman feel powerless because he didn't see it coming and can't seem to find who was responsible. It also asks the question of how far Superman will go to protect the world for tomorrow. Throughout For Tomorrow Superman befriends a priest to discuss his guilt and helplessness, having theological discussions on religion and the meaning of God. They are interesting discussions and one of the highlights of this story. After all, what does God mean for the people in the DC Universe when there is a 'god' flying around in a red cape? Can Superman really justify stepping in and changing the destiny of a planet, as a god might? Its subject matter may be too heavy for an animated feature, but most of these films aren't necessarily geared towards children.