10 Supernatural Heroes Who Should Follow Doctor Strange To The MCU
The door is open for mystics, monsters and all manner of otherworldly characters.
Doctor Strange has been expected to appear ever since 2011's Thor, when the Orb of Agamotto - an item of power strongly associated with him in the comic books - was on display in Odin's trophy room on Asgard. Jump to four years later and the character is finally getting the long-anticipated movie, with Benedict Cumberbatch perfectly cast, having been confirmed as existing in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Make no mistake, his adaptation will be Marvel's biggest gamble yet, as he will be the first real magic user to enter the franchise. Loki and related Asgardian characters have displayed powers that seem like magic to Earth-based characters, but Thor has explained that their people are so advanced in comparison to ours that it is nothing more than misunderstood science. With the sorcerer's introduction comes the real possibility of a whole new world - and major new arcs - being unearthed in the franchise, opening doors for the long awaited cosmic side of the MCU. If it is successful, there are some great opportunities for Marvel to introduce more otherworldly heroes (whether it be in movies or the television/Netflix shows)...