10 Supernatural Heroes Who Should Follow Doctor Strange To The MCU
10. Clea
Clea is a bit of an obvious entry on this list, as she will probably join Doctor Strange in his own movie - she is his major love interest, after all - but that doesn't make her inclusion on it any less warranted. She is an extremely interesting character whose inclusion would potentially signal the imminent introduction of some very cool villains in future movies. She's actually the daughter and niece of Doctor Strange foes Umar and Dormammu. Hailing from the Dark Dimension, it is from there that she observed Doctor Strange. Impressed by his power and valour (and obviously being physically attracted to him), she decided to warn him against facing her uncle in battle and the two ultimately fell in love. She possesses great magical power herself and, interestingly, has been a member of the Defenders - a team who are coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a Netflix series, initially consisting of Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist.