10 Supernatural Heroes Who Should Follow Doctor Strange To The MCU
5. Doctor Druid
Why not follow one "Doctor" with another? If supernatural creatures and monsters are set to invade the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the coming years, there'll need to be someone who hunts them - and that's where Doctor Druid could come in. He is Dr. Anthony Druid - a psychiatrist who was hand-picked by the Ancient One to be the backup for the title of Sorcerer Supreme, should the powerful wizard's grooming of Doctor Strange not go to plan. As a result, the Ancient One unlocked Druid's latent mystical powers, granting him abilities like telepathy, precognition, illusion casting and hypnosis. Not only has he been a member of supernatural teams like the Monster Hunters and Legion of the Unliving, he has also worked as part of the main Avengers team - assisting them with supernatural threats - and, after his death, a statue of him was erected in the garden of Avengers Mansion. He could potentially form another link - in addition to Doctor Strange, potentially - between the Avengers and the otherworldly side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.