10 Supernatural Heroes Who Should Follow Doctor Strange To The MCU

6. Satana

Satana is the sister of Daimon Hellstrom who was mentioned in the previous entry. She had the same parents as Daimon (a human mother and, initially, Satan as her father - the latter whom was retconned into being a demon named Marduk Kurios). Unlike Daimon, Satana embraced her demonic heritage and the dark magical teachings of her father. As a result, she was raised in a hell dimension and merged with an ancient evil spirit named Basilisk in order to increase her magical power. She was initially banished back to Earth as a succubus - a being which sucked out the souls of men - which brought her into conflict with the likes of Doctor Strange. However, she eventually became good and worked with teams including Nick Fury's Howling Commandos, the Legion of Monsters, the Avengers of the Supernatural and the Thunderbolts. Essentially, if any supernatural hero teams were introduced, she would be easy to introduce as well - particularly given her connection to existing Marvel Cinematic Universe characters like Doctor Strange and Nick Fury.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.