10 Supernatural Horror Movies Where Nobody Dies

8. The Babadook (2014)

Amityville Horror 2005
Entertainment One

The essence of The Babadook is the story of a mother on the verge of killing her child. As such, it's about the furthest you'll ever get to having bloodlust in a horror movie. Seeing Jason or Freddy tearing up unsuspecting teens in their films may be exhilarating, but nobody was rooting for death in this one.

Jennifer Kent's modern horror classic pits the titular monster - Mr. Babadook - against a grieving mother (Amelia) and her child (Samuel). It explores deeply intimate horror as this terrifying creature uses Amelia's grief to drive her to madness and set her on a path of infanticide.

Those who have seen the film will know that Amelia's son is a handful. That said, he's still an innocent kid who quickly gets you on his side despite his behavioral troubles, making the whole threat of the movie incredibly distressing.

Thankfully, you won't need to worry about him or anyone else, as no one is six feet under by the time the credits roll on this Australian horror masterpiece. Phew!

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