10 Supernatural Horror Movies Where Nobody Dies

7. Alleluia! The Devil's Carnival (2015)

Amityville Horror 2005
Cleopatra Films

So, this movie comes in with an unfair advantage, as, technically, all the folk in it are dead. You can't kill someone if they're already in Heaven or Hell, so it kind of wins by default. Still, even with that clear absence of death in place, it's still very much lacking in its kill count.

This niche horror musical (a feature-length sequel to The Devil's Carnival 2012) is a twisted take on the afterlife. It follows the tensions between Heaven and Hell as Lucifer plans an invasion, complete with toe-tapping song numbers.

Given the focus on Hell, you would think there would be suffering abound, but the flick is surprisingly tame. This is especially shocking given the gruesome body count in the creators' previous project, Repo! The Genetic Opera.

There are some people who get damned from Heaven to Hell, but nobody gets outright killed as the film simply explores what happens to characters who have already met their ends.

If you like musicals and scary things, then give this one a go.

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