10 Supporting Movie Characters Who Should've Been The Lead
7. Aurora Lane (Passengers)
Passengers is one of those films that is less movie and more conga line of poorly thought out decisions that came and went without much notice because everyone was still going to see Rogue One, which opened that very same weekend. While that oversight is by far the biggest logical failure of the film, it has a lot worse wrong with it.
Surprisingly, though, most of these problems might've been fixed if the film had made one minor change to the script: making Jennifer Lawrence's Aurora Lane the lead.
The biggest issue critics took with the film upon reflection was how utterly creepy Chris Pratt's character was. Convincing himself that he was in love with this woman he didn't know, just because she had a pretty face and a compelling video file, and then waking her from cryo-sleep just because he was lonely.
It doesn't take a genius to realize how shifting perspective might have helped this film gel with critics and audiences better. But then it's easy to see why they didn't do it. After all, asking how Aurora had to have felt about all of that might have hurt the romance somewhat.