10 Supporting Movie Characters Who Should've Been The Lead

6. Sally (A Nightmare Before Christmas)

Hit Girl
touchstone pictures

Certain stories need a certain kind of main character, and as fantastic a movie as Nightmare Before Christmas is, like Jack Skellington himself, it fails to understand how important Sally truly is.

Jack is the kind of protagonist that is best viewed through the eyes of another, so that the audience has that important outsiders perspective. So that when he does something crazy - like, for example - deciding he's entitled to another person's life and holiday enough to resort to kidnapping, we know what he's doing is crazy.

And the movie clearly wants us to think he's nuts when he goes this far, just listen to the way the song Jack's Obsession shifts tone and its perception of Jack in the second half of the song. You can practically hear tires screeching it's shifting gears so hard. The moment the lyrics "right in front of me" leave his bony lips, the camera portrays him as being more looming and menacing, his voice gets wilder, and the music becomes harsher and more dramatic. You know, like a villain song.

Except if you're a kid watching it, then you probably missed that subtle detail. So making sure the audience is as detached as possible from Jack while still technically knowing him as a character would help get across his descent better. Hence why Sally would have been a better choice as the lead.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?