10 Surprising Horror Movie Cameos

9. Takashi Miike Enjoys Torture In Hostel

Wes Craven Cameo

In the world of what critic and producer Heather Buckley dubbed "Bro-horror", Eli Roth is the first name that comes to mind. And though his later work has been somewhat more mature, Hostel is little more than torture porn. But credit Roth with this, if nothing else: he's a man who never forgets his roots, using a remix of a song from The Wicker Man in the scene and paying homage to movies he loved growing up. He's a horror-themed Tarantino, which explains said director's executive producing credit on the film.

And like Tarantino, he stacks his casts with idols - the most significant being Japanese director Takashi Miike. Those averse to extreme violence may not be familiar with Miike's hyper-violent, often sexually perverse work, but the filmmaker has also found time to make family-friendly work and serious dramas. Nevertheless, his work is often subject to cuts and bans in various countries.

His appearance in Hostel, however, is clearly a shout-out to his more grim work. He plays an unknown customer of a local slaughterhouse where American backpackers are kidnapped and tortured for the pleasure of the ultra-rich.

"Careful," he warns the lead. "You could spend all your money in there."

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Kenny Hedges is carbon-based. So I suppose a simple top 5 in no order will do: Halloween, Crimes and Misdemeanors, L.A. Confidential, Billy Liar, Blow Out He has his own website - thefilmreal.com - and is always looking for new writers with differing views to broaden the discussion.