10 Surprisingly Awesome 2020 Movies You Probably Missed

6. Spontaneous

Greenland Gerard Butler Morena Baccarin
Paramount Pictures

From its release history, you'd be forgiven for assuming that this sci-fi rom-com from Brian Duffield, who also happened to co-write Love and Monsters, was no good at all.

Filmed in early 2018 and left to fester on a studio shelf for almost three years, Spontaneous was finally released this past October, yet despite being one of the year's best-reviewed films, its release was largely buried by Paramount.

Spontaneous follows high-schoolers Mara (Katherine Langford) and Dylan (Charlie Plummer), who are caught in the middle of a mysterious series of events where their fellow students begin randomly exploding like blood-filled balloons.

Despite the potential silliness of the setup, Spontaneous is a shockingly nuanced, character-driven film about two people finding love amid the most trying of circumstances.

Released in the middle of a global pandemic as it was, many have interpreted the film as an unintentional metaphor for current events, but whatever you assert the central phenomenon to be - the film smartly never explains it - the result is at once anxiously tense, hilarious, and sweetly romantic.

Sealing the deal is the remarkably authentic chemistry between Langford and Plummer, ensuring they're an impossibly easy-to-root-for couple.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.