10 Surprisingly Awesome 2020 Movies You Probably Missed

7. Love & Monsters

Greenland Gerard Butler Morena Baccarin
Paramount Pictures

While many mid-budget genre films had their theatrical releases axed in 2020 because they simply weren't very good, that absolutely wasn't the case with Love and Monsters.

A rare original sci-fi-adventure movie that isn't in any way adapted from existing material, Michael Matthews' charming genre-bender melds the rom-com with the monster movie with uncommonly entertaining results.

Dylan O'Brien stars as Joel Dawson, a young man desperately attempting to navigate the post-apocalyptic, monster-populated surface of the Earth to reunite with his estranged girlfriend, Aimee (Jessica Henwick).

There's a lot to be said for a film that knows its limitations and delivers the goods, and Love and Monsters is absolutely that.

Thanks to O'Brien's likeable lead, a wealth of witty dialogue, and some modestly staged action sequences, it's a film that gets to be many things at once - even romantic, too.

The world-building is sufficient that a sequel sure would be nice, though with the tough-to-calculate success of direct-to-VOD releases, it's difficult to say whether or not that's a likely prospect.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.