10 Symbiotes We Need To See In Venom 3

8. Zzzxx

Venom 2 Carnage
Marvel Comics

In the comics, symbiotes feed off their host's adrenaline, pushing them toward dangerous situations to get their fix. The fearsome Zzzxx has a different diet than his alien counterparts. Instead of adrenaline, he eats his host's brains, like a zombie.

In Marvel Comics, Zzzxx is associated with the Shi'ar Empire, a cosmic political power that alongside the Kree and Skrulls is a major player in the Marvel universe. The Shi'ar has yet to make their debut in the MCU, which is an oversight in need of correction.

Using Zzzxx as an antagonist in Venom 3 would lay the groundwork to introduce the Shi'ar Empire and further expand Marvel's already massive roster of characters. What's more, Zzzxx's tendency to eat his hosts brains could be used to great horrific effect.

The Shi'ar Empire also popped up on the X-Men cartoon series from the '90s, so once Professor Xavier's team enters the MCU, the potential for a Venom/X-Men crossover is in the cards.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.